Another reason to straighten out the USA

Well folks, as if you needed another reason to fight to take back America, here she is: Haley Elizabeth. What a beautiful little girl. What country will she grow up in?
Country A: a country with unregulated electronic surveillance, biometric IDs, curfews, and wherein the Bush administration isn't held accountable for 9/11, Iraq, election fraud in 2004, ridiculous tax breaks for the mega rich, a huge deficit, sky high oil prices and sky high oil company profits, billions in new bureaucracy, etc.
Or she could grow up in country B, where the citizen's bring to justice those who: financed, coordinated, and permitted 9/11; and those who coordinated, permitted, and perpetrated the current violation of international law in Iraq.
Only you can decide. We had the chance to elect a president with a resume worthy of the post coupled with a spotless record of public service and honesty. The Republican media destroyed him with spin and lies. His name was Al Gore. Fine. You didn't like Al. Well, what do you have instead? You now have a former coke user and alcoholic draft dodger who claims to be a praying born-again Christian, while remaining staunchly pro-war, a member of at least one "dark" secret society (Skull and Bones), and an advocate of torture. You have a "man" who once mocked a plea for clemency from a fellow born-again victim of the death penalty (and presided over hundreds of deaths in TX), a man who calls the richest people in America his base, and a man who is prone to use lies to achieve his ends. Doesn't he sound like a man who believes in Jesus Christ? The hardcore Christians have caught on:
We are at a stormy crossroads here, and both roads are nearly washed out. However, understand this: it's not good enough to win back the House and Senate in November. We have to hit the source of this real evil. We must prosecute the White House, plain and simple. Impeachment is the answer. We can impeach on the NSA and Gitmo stuff alone. But if we had the guts as a country (which we do not, I assure you), we could get him on 9/11 and Iraq as well.
I say do it for Haley.
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