woensdag, mei 24, 2006

It's getting worse. What are you going to do?

I, for one, am going to avoid going home for a while. The latest developments are pretty scary. This cat that is the author of our current torture policy (Alberto R. Gonzales) has recently stated on television (I didn't see it) that this adminstration is looking for precedence in US law that will allow them to prosecute reporters who publish classified information.

On the surface, this might seem reasonable. It is classified. But in reality, in combination with the current assembling and maintaining of a phone call database, they are erecting a barrier which may permenantly hinder 'free press' as it stands in the Constitution. Furthermore, they are setting up the system so that they could leak 'useful or beneficial' information, while at the same time destroy those that leak information with is damaging to them. Two key issues of recent interest sit directly in the line of fire of this new attack on liberty. Both the wiretapping and the CIA torture flights were published through the release of classified information (by soon to be KNOWN) sources to the press to STOP or call attention to the ILLEGAL ACTIVITY of the administration.

So if you add two and two together: It will soon be illegal to whistleblow on any illegal activities of the administration. Read that again, and think about it deeply. That is some scary country. If you want to contact the Department of Justice, here's the email address of the attorney general's office:


UPDATE: The domain name of the Consortium News has expired, and I am trying to find out what can be done. Hopefully Robert's site will be up again soon. Otherwise, I am going to start republishing some of his articles on my site...with in two or three days will have to domain name:


Cool, huh?