What do you think is most important for your country right now? What are the issues most important to you? Iraq? Civil Liberties? Taxes and social security? Corporate and government corruption?
George W. Bush and Co. are trying to make you forget about this stuff by distracting you with other things like an Amendment prohibiting gay marriage. Don't let yourself be distracted. Stay on task.
The admistration is guilty of lying to get you to believe in the Iraq war. Whether or not you believe they allowed 9/11 to happen, they certainly lied to you about why we went to Iraq. They told lies about Saddaam and Osama (no connection), Saddaam and the inspectors (WE kicked them out, not Saddaam), and weapons of mass destruction (none found by UN inspectors, and none found my us...and we sold them to him in the first place!). They have continued to lie about secret prisons, approval of torture, leaking of secret information, and countless other topics. They have used Iraq to distract, while they give more tax cuts to their rich friends, make it easier for the rich to get richer within the corruption that is Wallstreet, and spending the country into a deep deficit we cannot sustain.
Yet they still don't have Osama. Afghanistan is still a mess, still producing opium and heroin, and still harboring likely the most dangerous folks. We still haven't caught Osama. Don't you care anymore? Doesn't this strike you as incompetant to the point of folly while we spend billions in Iraq into the pockets of friends of Bush & Co.?
Under the principles by which we procecuted the German Nazi leaders (Nuremberg), GWB is guilty as the leader of a war of aggression and therefore guilty of war crimes. This is not debatable, and this is the main reason they shy away from speaking of the Geneva convention and the Nuremberg proceedings. Have no doubt: A democratic congress can start to take back the plenary powers GWB has claimed. A democratic congress might even pursue good old fashioned justice for all.
Do yourself a favor. Find out if any veterans are speaking out about what they experienced in Iraq. Try to find their stories. Find out how veterans are being treated at home by the government. Find out if they are happy or not...especially the ones who were injured. It will be hard information to find, because it's not popular with Bush & Co.
I am sure you'll be even more pleased with GWB: As always, he is supporting the troops on camera...while cheating, lying, and stealing from all of us every day, even those who served in Iraq. When will you bring this to an end?
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