Yup. The Simpson's Professor Fink expresses my feelings exactly. (If I am not allow to post this sort of image, please someone tell me. It's not my image, and I am not making money here.)
Now he ("he" being the president and self-declared leader of the free world) is building a database containing all the phone calls made in the USA. This is not international calls, or calls to terrorists, or calls involving certain key words, this is all calls. Let me say this again: All calls. Understand, just in case the NSA spying program wasn't already scary enough, now you know for sure you are being watched. For sure, you are living under surveillence. For certain, it's not America anymore.
Robert Parry at the Consortium News does a nice job of reporting this full story. A link to that great site is on the right.
Safe to say that there are many call lists which might prove handy to Karl Rove and associates. I would love to see their call lists. I would bet more than little money that the list of names would surprise everyone, except the most embedded conspiracy theorists. Hell, even they would likely be surprised. I am reminded of a quote attributed to President Woodrow Wilson in 1913:
"There is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocking, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."He was allegedly speaking of a web of secret societies that was at that time forcing through legislation (I believe) to do with the current Federal Reserve Bank. You know, the main story line of most of the current global conspiracy theories. Anyway, this quote comes to mind because in many ways, this is the same aire of secrecy and power that GWB & Co. have brought over America. Why are we not rising up against this? Secrecy would have never been a valid defense for Clinton, yet in his case we were talking about private matters like infidelity. Now, when talking about American troops at war, illegal activities which encroach on citizens' rights, and lying to the American public about virtually everything (including 9/11), GWB & Co. are allowed by the American public to use National Security as justification for why these questions remain unanswered. Meanwhile, our government is continually preparing to "contain" a national emergency involving riots and homelessness. It's coming.
I will not use this space to try to convince anyone of any global conspiracy to control all wealth. But I will say here that the rabbit hole from where I am now is very deep indeed. There are some questions you might ponder. Do you know what the government did before income tax? Do you know what bank holds the most gold reserves (it is believed not to be Fort Knox)? Do you know what "fractional reserve banking" is? Have you ever stopped to think why Islam would consider usury unclean (do you know what usury is?)? Do you know how much money is in the stock market? And where is it exactly? Do you know who we "borrow" money from when we run our national deficit? Do you know how much money your school district, university, state and federal government control in terms of investment in stock? Why do they control stock? Do you know what would happen if the dollar collapsed?
Beware of suggestions to tie the dollar to gold. This will be the start of the end, if your a conspiracy theorist.