woensdag, mei 24, 2006

It's getting worse. What are you going to do?

I, for one, am going to avoid going home for a while. The latest developments are pretty scary. This cat that is the author of our current torture policy (Alberto R. Gonzales) has recently stated on television (I didn't see it) that this adminstration is looking for precedence in US law that will allow them to prosecute reporters who publish classified information.

On the surface, this might seem reasonable. It is classified. But in reality, in combination with the current assembling and maintaining of a phone call database, they are erecting a barrier which may permenantly hinder 'free press' as it stands in the Constitution. Furthermore, they are setting up the system so that they could leak 'useful or beneficial' information, while at the same time destroy those that leak information with is damaging to them. Two key issues of recent interest sit directly in the line of fire of this new attack on liberty. Both the wiretapping and the CIA torture flights were published through the release of classified information (by soon to be KNOWN) sources to the press to STOP or call attention to the ILLEGAL ACTIVITY of the administration.

So if you add two and two together: It will soon be illegal to whistleblow on any illegal activities of the administration. Read that again, and think about it deeply. That is some scary country. If you want to contact the Department of Justice, here's the email address of the attorney general's office:


UPDATE: The domain name of the Consortium News has expired, and I am trying to find out what can be done. Hopefully Robert's site will be up again soon. Otherwise, I am going to start republishing some of his articles on my site...with in two or three days will have to domain name:


Cool, huh?

zondag, mei 21, 2006

Roger Ebert? 9/11? Conspiracy?

I just read a great article written by Frank Cecrle, which cites some of the web info that I have been sifting through for the past few years. In this article, he does a great job of calling attention to the errors in the plot of the new film "Flight 93". It's just on Roger's website, and the site likely doesn't reflect his personal beliefs. I have never seen him as a very bright or clever guy, even with respect to films. But, it is on his site....

For those of you who haven't really explored all the data and analysis out there, there is still time to convince yourself that the government was complacent during the 9/11 attacks, and that this event was used to manipulate the USA and it's politics into an extended war for profit, oil, and governmental power. Wake yourself up to the truth.

You can find out more about this by following the links provided by Mr. Cecrle, or you can check my website. Don't be a part of the flock that will swallow this movie as fact. As has been typical of the whole story, anything official (that this administration doesn't attack or comment on) to do with 9/11 must be understood solely as a smoke screen. This film is another attempt to be sure you never ask the questions that will permenantly dispell this illusion cast over all the treachery 9/11 represents.

This was also their reason for recently releasing frames from the Pentagon explosion. You should have noticed: they still don't show you the whole video. Why not show us the minute before until the minute after the crash? If they did, you would likely be able to see that it wasn't a Boeing aircraft.

As yourself this question out loud and then think carefully before you answer: Why else would they not release just a few more seconds before the explosion?

Understand me clearly: Those who knew 9/11 was coming should be prosecuted as traitors, jailed, or worse. If the country as a whole knew the truth, they wouldn't even have time to call for help. They would already be hanging from a tree.

Soon, you will have to decide whether you are a part of the machine or the solution. Be informed before you decide where your loyalites lie.

dinsdag, mei 16, 2006

Another reason to straighten out the USA

Well folks, as if you needed another reason to fight to take back America, here she is: Haley Elizabeth. What a beautiful little girl. What country will she grow up in?

Country A: a country with unregulated electronic surveillance, biometric IDs, curfews, and wherein the Bush administration isn't held accountable for 9/11, Iraq, election fraud in 2004, ridiculous tax breaks for the mega rich, a huge deficit, sky high oil prices and sky high oil company profits, billions in new bureaucracy, etc.

Or she could grow up in country B, where the citizen's bring to justice those who: financed, coordinated, and permitted 9/11; and those who coordinated, permitted, and perpetrated the current violation of international law in Iraq.

Only you can decide. We had the chance to elect a president with a resume worthy of the post coupled with a spotless record of public service and honesty. The Republican media destroyed him with spin and lies. His name was Al Gore. Fine. You didn't like Al. Well, what do you have instead? You now have a former coke user and alcoholic draft dodger who claims to be a praying born-again Christian, while remaining staunchly pro-war, a member of at least one "dark" secret society (Skull and Bones), and an advocate of torture. You have a "man" who once mocked a plea for clemency from a fellow born-again victim of the death penalty (and presided over hundreds of deaths in TX), a man who calls the richest people in America his base, and a man who is prone to use lies to achieve his ends. Doesn't he sound like a man who believes in Jesus Christ? The hardcore Christians have caught on:


We are at a stormy crossroads here, and both roads are nearly washed out. However, understand this: it's not good enough to win back the House and Senate in November. We have to hit the source of this real evil. We must prosecute the White House, plain and simple. Impeachment is the answer. We can impeach on the NSA and Gitmo stuff alone. But if we had the guts as a country (which we do not, I assure you), we could get him on 9/11 and Iraq as well.

I say do it for Haley.

vrijdag, mei 12, 2006

All the phone calls?

Yup. The Simpson's Professor Fink expresses my feelings exactly. (If I am not allow to post this sort of image, please someone tell me. It's not my image, and I am not making money here.)

Now he ("he" being the president and self-declared leader of the free world) is building a database containing all the phone calls made in the USA. This is not international calls, or calls to terrorists, or calls involving certain key words, this is all calls. Let me say this again: All calls. Understand, just in case the NSA spying program wasn't already scary enough, now you know for sure you are being watched. For sure, you are living under surveillence. For certain, it's not America anymore.

Robert Parry at the Consortium News does a nice job of reporting this full story. A link to that great site is on the right.

Safe to say that there are many call lists which might prove handy to Karl Rove and associates. I would love to see their call lists. I would bet more than little money that the list of names would surprise everyone, except the most embedded conspiracy theorists. Hell, even they would likely be surprised. I am reminded of a quote attributed to President Woodrow Wilson in 1913:

"There is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocking, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

He was allegedly speaking of a web of secret societies that was at that time forcing through legislation (I believe) to do with the current Federal Reserve Bank. You know, the main story line of most of the current global conspiracy theories. Anyway, this quote comes to mind because in many ways, this is the same aire of secrecy and power that GWB & Co. have brought over America. Why are we not rising up against this? Secrecy would have never been a valid defense for Clinton, yet in his case we were talking about private matters like infidelity. Now, when talking about American troops at war, illegal activities which encroach on citizens' rights, and lying to the American public about virtually everything (including 9/11), GWB & Co. are allowed by the American public to use National Security as justification for why these questions remain unanswered. Meanwhile, our government is continually preparing to "contain" a national emergency involving riots and homelessness. It's coming.

I will not use this space to try to convince anyone of any global conspiracy to control all wealth. But I will say here that the rabbit hole from where I am now is very deep indeed. There are some questions you might ponder. Do you know what the government did before income tax? Do you know what bank holds the most gold reserves (it is believed not to be Fort Knox)? Do you know what "fractional reserve banking" is? Have you ever stopped to think why Islam would consider usury unclean (do you know what usury is?)? Do you know how much money is in the stock market? And where is it exactly? Do you know who we "borrow" money from when we run our national deficit? Do you know how much money your school district, university, state and federal government control in terms of investment in stock? Why do they control stock? Do you know what would happen if the dollar collapsed?

Beware of suggestions to tie the dollar to gold. This will be the start of the end, if your a conspiracy theorist.

donderdag, mei 11, 2006

On to Martial Law....

The recent resignation of Mr. Goss as head of the CIA has again created yet another vacancy in the intelligence community at home. One wonders why so many jobs under this administration seem to "turn over" on a regular basis. Does anyone at home see this as a warning signal? I do. Why did we get rid of General Powell again? Oh yeah, he did a bit of his own thinking. Albeit a bit too late to matter, but he did violate the group think. OK, I know the story is that he retired or stepped down, but I believe this is the "truth" in the current American sense only. What build of press secretary software are we on? 4.1? As so eloquently put at this year's White House Press Club dinner (by the evening's unreported keynote speaker), it's a tough job to be proficient and effective at "saying nothing".

I see another red light blinking on the dashboard: GWB's suggestions to put a military man in the role of CIA chief. This means potentially that all the major intel agencies in America would be headed by military personnel. He will be in a position to implement Martial Law with a couple phone calls, given the right "crisis", real or imaginary...prevented or permitted. We must be vigilant in our civic duties and speak out against these kinds of maneuvers. Slowly and carefully, this administration is still seeking the dissenters, weeding them out, and replacing them with indebted friends and allies. Now more than ever, it appears that men who will follow orders are the stock of choice. It will be even harder to find the truth as he continues to put loyalists (and legislation) in key positions to plug the leaks. What is perhaps more frightening is that as the powers of the executive branch increase, they also seem to be directed more and more at the citizens themselves, rather than at the "evil" of whom he so oft speaks. Our only hope of bringing justice to this administration is continuing to persist in documenting these irregularities, so that history isn't written only by the main stream sternographers/journalists.

Beware, it's getting deeper and deeper every day. Here's a great piece you all should read:
  • Why truth in democracy matters....
  • woensdag, mei 10, 2006

    White House Press Corps: Counterintel 101

    One of the main problems I and scores others have with the current state of things at home is overwhelming amount of evidence supporting the idea that the mainstream news sources (TV and newspaper) in America are nothing more than propaganda tools of this administration. This idea is not by any stretch of the imagination a recent one, however I believe for many years this was thought to be a myth or at the very least an exaggeration. If you are a reader of the more up-to-the-minute web information, you know that many folks are out there, pointing to this spin for what it is.

    My question to anyone out there would be why hasn't anyone taken action? I am not just talking about speaking out. I am talking about guerilla action. Why isn't the NYT website hacked when they publish (or fail to publish the truth about) untrue information? Why isn't a reporter afraid to put his or her name to what they know to be false or written in a deceptive manner? They should be afraid of the blowback from the public, not the administration. So far, they are only afraid of the Bush team. These people should be afraid of us. They should be called at home, harrassed in public, generally made to realize that we are listening. Why hasn't someone started publishing emails, addresses, and phone numbers of "journalists" who aren't playing straight, so we can all give them a call or an email expressing our disappointment. If thousands did this everyday, we might even get some kind of reaction....

    When the people know the truth, we'll be able to start to change things.

    About me....

    I moved to the Netherlands in 2002. I am a research assistant working on the mechanisms by which cortical function is altered by nicotine. I am electrophysiologist, using the patch clamp technique to study the function of individual and groups of cortical cells.

    Pictured with me is Daisy. She came with me to the Netherlands from Chicago in 2002, and she has since mastered the Dutch language to an extent I have yet to equal.

    I am primarily interested in using this blog to meet people with a similar passion for the true America from whom I can learn, exchange ideas, and even argue. I hope that you'll find some of the text to come somewhat entertaining, if not enlightening or inspiring.

    Relative the average blogger, I would guess that I am in the lower ranks of "creative writers". However, I intensely enjoy reading good prose as well as attempting to write it. Thus, I am starting my first blog.

    Obijuan K.

    Where to start....

    I have been thinking intensely for several years now how best to fulfill my role as a citizen in the USA. I have voted most years, and paid taxes fairly consistently up until recently. However, these requisite civic duties have never felt real or tangible.

    Recently, I have become increasing aware of all the alternative information available on the internet, and how much this information is in conflict with that of the mainstream media of the US. Although for many, this is a revelation comes to me more than ten years late, for still many more it is a revelation not yet experienced.

    The current issue of "net neutrality" has brought this to the fore, as it may become possible to hinder those who have not "seen the light" from having the access to this wealth of shared knowledge. In effect, the media control and bias we now see in mainstream media may be brought here, to the best example of an archetypical level playing field for commerce and ideas.

    As a place to start, however slowly, I have been calling my WI senators and representatives to urge them to fight this fight for the people. You should do the same.