dinsdag, oktober 24, 2006

Let's try this again!

I almost feel I should apologize. I would not want to give the impression that this isn't an important time.

For now, experience this most enjoyable thread and all the entertaining and insightful links therein:


Unfortunately, the posting of inappropriate photographs got the thread locked.

Get up and take back America November 7, 2006!

vrijdag, juni 30, 2006

Supreme Bullshit

Well, they are at it again. The spinmasters of this administration have succeeding in denying repeatedly that the Supreme Court's decision has no direct implications, but instead presents an 'unclear' outcome which the administration's lawyers will have to sort out. Of course, this is simply spin, but it's a new level of spin for the Bush administration. They would have you believe that the Supreme Court's decision is something to be debated, interpreted, and 'responded to', rather than something of the last word as it should be constitutionally understood. The fact that the court was called upon to rule on this issue by definition means that this is a final decision about the matters the trial brought out.

This Surpreme Court ruling declares a single point which is a HUGE blow to the policies of Bush and Co. It declares that the detainees, even those members of known terrorist groups, are afforded all the protection of the Geneva convention and due process. This is very interesting, as the 'new legal atmosphere' which the administration keeps talking about having been brought about because of the war on terror is, by their reckoning, outside the Geneva convention. However, this court ruling has declared any violation of the Geneva convention at Gitmo as against the law, including procedures like 'water boarding' know to be used at Gitmo. Thus, your president and his administration have engaged in activities that violate the Geneva convention (because they declared themselves exempt from it's implications...or in a 'new legal atmosphere'), and the court has declared these actions unconstitutional and illegal.

This is a good as it will ever get folks. The court is a stacked court, full of friends of Bush and Co. Yet they still ruled against him. Even if they try to spin this decision as difficult to interpret, and requiring a thorough analysis to respond to, you must not lose sight of what it is. A right wing conservative court has declared Gitmo WRONG. Although they didn't have the guts to go further and outright call for it's closure, this is a good as we can expect from this Supreme court.

vrijdag, juni 16, 2006


We just hit the 2500 mark for number of dead soldiers in Iraq. Great, huh?

So far we have spent or allocated $438, 000, 000, 000 (438 billion) to the war on terror, with over 70% of that going to Iraq. It's your money, and that of your children. But you don't care enought to speak out. It's more important to be "patriotic".

Besides, as we are constantly reminded in the media, we must bear in mind that we are spreading democracy and protecting ourselves from Al Qaida. Of course, financing the family fortunes of the neocons and their military contractor friends is a part of it, but an unintentional part of it, even if they will donate some of this money back to the campaign funds of these same neocons to be sure they remain in power this year. Wait, military contractors donate money to campaign funds?

So what if all our humvees aren't armored, or the troops have to buy their own body armor, or if we are making veterans pay for their own medical expenses after they finish their twice-extended tours in Iraq? You still love America, and thus trust the American government.

There is a sucker born every minute. Every last one of you has been fooled.

I love America with all that I am, and this is the main reason I distrust the current government, hate this administration and their neocon backers, and want nothing more than for the people to rise up against the tyranny that is our current government.

dinsdag, juni 13, 2006

And you thought it couldn't get worse!

Someone once said, "To understand a culture, you must look to their prisons."

Three inmates recently committed suicide at our beloved Gitmo. The government has stated through several spokes people that these were "a good PR move" as well as characterizing these suicides as acts of aggression. Our government wants you to see this as an act of aggression? Are you serious? They are in a prison? This is an act of desperation and last resort. It was a stand against tyranny and injustice. Gitmo is at the heart of America's malfunctioning nationalism, and we must wake up to this fact.

Are you going to listen to there spin, or are you going to call it like you see it?

Your gut tells you that holding anyone indefinitely (going on 5 years) could potentially lead to suicide. Imagine it. Your gut tells you that this prision is wrong, regardless of the beliefs or desires of these folks. I have some pretty wicked desires brewing inside me, but you would never imprison me for them. Your heart tells you we should have never opened this prison.

We must make this administration pay for these and other war crimes they have perpetrated in Iraq and in Gitmo. We must use the example of Nurembrug and bring these leaders of a war of aggression to justice. We must stop them acting in our name in these inhuman ways. We must start take back the country by paralyzing this administration by winning control of congress. We must continue to support third and fourth parties to eliminate the two party domination of our government.

If we don't start to take action, our country will continue to be manipulated, used, and abused by the neo-con sect in control indefinitely to the point where there will be nothing left to be done.

I am not coming back any time soon simply because I am afraid of my government. Aren't you?

woensdag, juni 07, 2006


This is a short post. This is just to remind you to look around, think for yourself, and speak out.

What do you think is most important for your country right now? What are the issues most important to you? Iraq? Civil Liberties? Taxes and social security? Corporate and government corruption?

George W. Bush and Co. are trying to make you forget about this stuff by distracting you with other things like an Amendment prohibiting gay marriage. Don't let yourself be distracted. Stay on task.

The admistration is guilty of lying to get you to believe in the Iraq war. Whether or not you believe they allowed 9/11 to happen, they certainly lied to you about why we went to Iraq. They told lies about Saddaam and Osama (no connection), Saddaam and the inspectors (WE kicked them out, not Saddaam), and weapons of mass destruction (none found by UN inspectors, and none found my us...and we sold them to him in the first place!). They have continued to lie about secret prisons, approval of torture, leaking of secret information, and countless other topics. They have used Iraq to distract, while they give more tax cuts to their rich friends, make it easier for the rich to get richer within the corruption that is Wallstreet, and spending the country into a deep deficit we cannot sustain.

Yet they still don't have Osama. Afghanistan is still a mess, still producing opium and heroin, and still harboring likely the most dangerous folks. We still haven't caught Osama. Don't you care anymore? Doesn't this strike you as incompetant to the point of folly while we spend billions in Iraq into the pockets of friends of Bush & Co.?

Under the principles by which we procecuted the German Nazi leaders (Nuremberg), GWB is guilty as the leader of a war of aggression and therefore guilty of war crimes. This is not debatable, and this is the main reason they shy away from speaking of the Geneva convention and the Nuremberg proceedings. Have no doubt: A democratic congress can start to take back the plenary powers GWB has claimed. A democratic congress might even pursue good old fashioned justice for all.

Do yourself a favor. Find out if any veterans are speaking out about what they experienced in Iraq. Try to find their stories. Find out how veterans are being treated at home by the government. Find out if they are happy or not...especially the ones who were injured. It will be hard information to find, because it's not popular with Bush & Co.

I am sure you'll be even more pleased with GWB: As always, he is supporting the troops on camera...while cheating, lying, and stealing from all of us every day, even those who served in Iraq. When will you bring this to an end?

woensdag, mei 24, 2006

It's getting worse. What are you going to do?

I, for one, am going to avoid going home for a while. The latest developments are pretty scary. This cat that is the author of our current torture policy (Alberto R. Gonzales) has recently stated on television (I didn't see it) that this adminstration is looking for precedence in US law that will allow them to prosecute reporters who publish classified information.

On the surface, this might seem reasonable. It is classified. But in reality, in combination with the current assembling and maintaining of a phone call database, they are erecting a barrier which may permenantly hinder 'free press' as it stands in the Constitution. Furthermore, they are setting up the system so that they could leak 'useful or beneficial' information, while at the same time destroy those that leak information with is damaging to them. Two key issues of recent interest sit directly in the line of fire of this new attack on liberty. Both the wiretapping and the CIA torture flights were published through the release of classified information (by soon to be KNOWN) sources to the press to STOP or call attention to the ILLEGAL ACTIVITY of the administration.

So if you add two and two together: It will soon be illegal to whistleblow on any illegal activities of the administration. Read that again, and think about it deeply. That is some scary country. If you want to contact the Department of Justice, here's the email address of the attorney general's office:


UPDATE: The domain name of the Consortium News has expired, and I am trying to find out what can be done. Hopefully Robert's site will be up again soon. Otherwise, I am going to start republishing some of his articles on my site...with in two or three days will have to domain name:


Cool, huh?

zondag, mei 21, 2006

Roger Ebert? 9/11? Conspiracy?

I just read a great article written by Frank Cecrle, which cites some of the web info that I have been sifting through for the past few years. In this article, he does a great job of calling attention to the errors in the plot of the new film "Flight 93". It's just on Roger's website, and the site likely doesn't reflect his personal beliefs. I have never seen him as a very bright or clever guy, even with respect to films. But, it is on his site....

For those of you who haven't really explored all the data and analysis out there, there is still time to convince yourself that the government was complacent during the 9/11 attacks, and that this event was used to manipulate the USA and it's politics into an extended war for profit, oil, and governmental power. Wake yourself up to the truth.

You can find out more about this by following the links provided by Mr. Cecrle, or you can check my website. Don't be a part of the flock that will swallow this movie as fact. As has been typical of the whole story, anything official (that this administration doesn't attack or comment on) to do with 9/11 must be understood solely as a smoke screen. This film is another attempt to be sure you never ask the questions that will permenantly dispell this illusion cast over all the treachery 9/11 represents.

This was also their reason for recently releasing frames from the Pentagon explosion. You should have noticed: they still don't show you the whole video. Why not show us the minute before until the minute after the crash? If they did, you would likely be able to see that it wasn't a Boeing aircraft.

As yourself this question out loud and then think carefully before you answer: Why else would they not release just a few more seconds before the explosion?

Understand me clearly: Those who knew 9/11 was coming should be prosecuted as traitors, jailed, or worse. If the country as a whole knew the truth, they wouldn't even have time to call for help. They would already be hanging from a tree.

Soon, you will have to decide whether you are a part of the machine or the solution. Be informed before you decide where your loyalites lie.